Hello and welcome to TESOL Pop, the mini podcast for busy teachers.

Thanks for stopping by. To learn who we are, what we do, and how you can get involved, continue reading about us below.

What do we do?

We are an independent media company with a passion for bite-sized learning for English Language educators. We know how busy you are - that's why our content is short, practical, and fun to inspire you on your learning journey.

What do we care about?

1. We are for educators.

Our mission is to support teacher development by providing information, ideas and tips on popular topics related to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, hence the name TESOL Pop.

2. We are bite-sized.

We know how busy a teaching schedule can be. That’s why we keep our podcast episodes under 15 minutes and our blog articles around a thousand words so you can fit it into your commute to work or coffee break.

3. We are independent.

We exist thanks to folk who volunteer their time and expertise; this includes our podcast guests as well as our community of creators.

4. We love to chat.

We believe everyone has great ideas worth sharing. This is why we love to chat to teachers, trainers, journalists, authors, business owners, EdTech developers and more to create a virtual staff room full of ideas that you can take away and try.

5. We're about community.

TESOL Pop has grown significantly since the first episode aired in April 2018 and this is all thanks to the support of our listeners who follow, share and support us through donations.

Ways you can support

  • Follow us

    Subscribe to TESOL Pop on your favourite podcast platform so you don't miss out on the latest episodes.

  • Rate and review

    Love an episode? Tell folk about it by leaving a rating and review on platforms like Apple Podcasts.

  • Share episodes

    Continue the conversation by sharing episodes with your educational community.

  • Buy us coffee

    Contribute to our studio costs by buying us a coffee and leaving a message here.

  • Sponsor us

    Do you have a product or service that would serve our listeners? Contact us to chat more.

  • Pitch an idea

    Would you like to contribute in creating content for TESOL Pop? We're all ears. Pitch your idea here.

What do our guests and listeners say?

Harry Waters, Podcast Guest

“I've got to say that of all the podcasts I've ever been on, TESOL Pop was the most well-organised of them all. Very clear instructions, great ideas and a wonderful host. I've never met a more professional yet personable podcast creator.”

Ama2102, Review on Apple Podcasts

“An amazing podcast with a wealth of information on the ESL industry. Thank you for all you do! Quality information on this subject is hard to come by, so I'm so very grateful! Thank you.”

Leaning21, Review on Apple Podcasts

“Love the small chunk nature of this show. Great for ESL teachers and yet so much content is relevant to a wider teaching audience.”